I had a dream where I was in a dorm and my old college friends were there and we wanted to go for a road trip and so we took my car and we started going through the highway. While driving I found harder and harder to control my car. The car next to me started veering uncontrollably and crashed and I had to apply hard brake to avoid driving into them. I braked just in time but due to braking also had some car damage. I wanted to move away from the first car crash and assess the damage but when I moved off I received a radio call from the police asking me why am I taking off. So we explained we were stopping just abit further up. Then for some reason my car was able to split bet Ween the engine and passengers. And I looked at my wheel, it was ancient and busted. Fast forward we were in a house being interrogated by the police asking us why did we try to move off and why were we speeding. The officer didn't really like the explanation but said I had good taste in watches. He then shared the watch he was wearing. He then wanted to ensure that my Skagen watch was legitimate and so I took my watch off. He then came back to tell me actually it fake. Did I mention the officer looked like and old colleague I used to work with? Anyway, he asked us what we were still doing there and so I packed up to leave.
This dream suggests feelings of uncertainty and loss of control in your waking life. The dorm and college friends represent a sense of familiarity and comfort. The road trip symbolizes a journey or the path you are currently on. However, the increasing difficulty of controlling the car reflects challenges or obstacles that are making it harder to navigate through life smoothly.
The car crash and the damage to your car may indicate unexpected setbacks or disruptions along your journey. The fact that you were able to avoid the crash but still experienced damage could suggest that you are able to overcome obstacles, but not without consequences.
The radio call from the police could represent a sense of accountability or feeling caught in a difficult situation. The interrogation by the police may symbolize a need to defend yourself or justify your actions in some aspect of your waking life. The officer resembling an old colleague could suggest unresolved issues or conflicts from your past.
The focus on watches and the revelation that your watch is fake may symbolize a fear of being seen as inauthentic or lacking credibility. This could be related to concerns about how others perceive you or a fear of not living up to expectations.
Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the challenges and pressures you are currently facing in your life, as well as a reminder to reevaluate your path and make sure you are being authentic and true to yourself. It could also signify the need to confront unresolved issues from your past and find a sense of closure in order to move forward.